What is Mylar and why should I want my shaft labels made with it?
Mylar is a registered trade mark of DuPont and is a brand of polyester film which is recognized to be one of the strongest and most durable stocks available for outdoor label applications. Despite being only 2 mils (2 1/1000ths inch) thick, our labels will stand up to the wear and tear endured by the typical golf club.
Why can’t I just use paper address labels attached with clear tape?
You can. But most clear tape is made of polypropylene which will turn yellow, dry out and peel off with exposure to sun light. Pin High Inc. studied the properties of polypropylene and came to the conclusion that it should not be used for labels, because this material quickly loses its appearance.
How long will it take to receive my labels?
We make your labels and put them in the mail within 2 business days. If you live in the U.S. you should receive them within 7-10 business days of placing your order. If you live elsewhere it could take somewhat longer.
How will my labels arrive?
Your labels will arrive via first-class mail in a #10 white business envelope. In the upper left hand corner will be the Pin High return address. In the center, in red ink, as appears here:

What if my labels don’t arrive?
If your labels haven’t arrived after 10 business days you should contact us using the instructions on our Customer Service page.
What should I do if there is something wrong with my labels?
If your labels are defective or arrive damaged by the postal service we will replace them at no charge. Just contact us using the instructions on our Customer Service page. We cannot, however, be responsible for replacing labels that have incorrect information.
Remember, when you design your labels, you are giving instructions directly to our printer and it will print exactly what you have entered. So be careful to recheck your order, including your return address, before you submit it.
Can I order by telephone?
Yes, call 1-888-4ID-Labels (888-443-5223)
Can I order by mail?
Yes. See our mailing address on the “contact us” page and call customer service, 1-800-822-8841 (9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central time M-F) for billing information and additional instructions.
How can I be sure that my credit card information is safe?
When you proceed to that portion of our order form where your credit card information is requested you’ll be notified by your browser that you are entering a secure environment. In addition, the information that you enter remains fully encrypted using SSL(Secure Socket Layering) protocol throughout the bank authorization process. This insures that your entire credit card transaction stays private and secure.
If you still prefer not to order online, simply call 1-800-822-8841 (9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central time M-F) to place your order by phone.
What font will be used to print my labels?
Arial Bold
Can I use special characters like Greek and Cyrillic letters, Chinese characters or other graphic symbols?
No. Even though you may be able to produce a special character with your computer, only those characters included in the ASCII character set can be printed. That accounts for most characters required by English, Western and Northern European languages as well as Spanish. You may find an ascii character table here.
Can I create “special formatting” of my labels by inserting additional spaces to spell words vertically on the labels?
No. Labels are printed using a proportional font which will not predictably align characters vertically from line to line.
Can my labels include clip art or other graphics?
No. E-mail us (information @ pinhighinc.com) if you would like information about some of our volume label ordering programs which produce labels with graphics as well as text.
Can I get a volume discount?
Maybe. E-mail us (information @ pinhighinc.com) with the specifics of your request or if you would like information about Pin High label dealer coupon ordering programs which do allow for volume discounts.
How do I apply the labels to my golf clubs?
Wrap them around the shaft near the grip. Start by affixing the left edge of the label first and then wrapping the label around the shaft. Our labels are designed to overlap slightly to bond tightly and uniformly.
Can I remove the labels from one set of clubs and put them on another?
We don’t think you would be satisfied with either the appearance or adhesion of reapplied labels.
How do I remove the labels?
Find the overlapped edge of the label and begin peeling it with a fingernail or a small blade (please be careful whenever using a knife, razor blade or other sharp instrument) You should be able to peel the label off intact, the adhesive material will likely remain on the shaft. Remove the dried adhesive from the shaft using isopropyl alcohol or another common household solvent like naphtha (please exercise care whenever using flammable liquids). When removing adhesive from graphite shafts be advised that many such shafts are painted and strong solvents could remove paint as well as glue.